вторник, 23 февраля 2016 г.

Alfresco. Reset Password Addon

The caontent of the post is outdated!

The latest version of add-on can be found on our website - https://flex-solution.com/page/alfresco-solution/alfresco-sign-up-addon

One more addon for Alfresco is developed by our team.

This addon allows you to reset password if you forgot it.

Reset Password addon for Alfresco works by the following way:

  1. Fill username or email in the popup
  2. You will receive email with link to page where you may change password (link is available within 24h)
  3. Go to "change password" page
  4. Set new password
  5. Login with new password

You may download Reset Password AMPs by using these links:

Some Screenshots:

Addon overview:

19 комментариев :

  1. Привет. Хочу еще раз напомнить о себа. Поставил ресет пасворд на windows. Чистый alfresco 5.0d. После запуска ;( алфреско не запускается.

    1. Привет. Протестил на Windows 7 и Alfresco 5.0.d - всё работает. Чтобы выяснить причину - нужен лог с ошибкой.

  2. Hi,
    is it compatible with a multitenant environment?

  3. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  4. Какой файл для изменения электронной почты смены пароля

    1. Email template you can find by the following path: Repository> Data Dictionary> Email Templates> Workflow Notification > reset-password.ftl

    2. Change email subject "Alfresco changing password"?

    3. Just change title (cm:title) property of Repository> Data Dictionary> Email Templates> Workflow Notification > reset-password.ftl file

  5. Is it possible to traduct in french. I can with java sources.

  6. Hi Sergey,

    I am working on forgot password. Is there any API that you are using for forgot password?

  7. I want to use the forgot password module in my drupal application. I am using alfresco at backend and using its services using api's. I want to if there is any api for forgot password?

  8. Yes, it is. You may find all APIs by the following URL: http://alfresco-hostname/alfresco/s/index/uri/. All APIs that related to the reset password addon contain "/com/flex-solution" in the URL

  9. Thank you Sergey! Now I can use the API in my application and its working. Could you please also share the code? My email is syedmohdowais@gmail.com

  10. getting error
    "status": {
    "code": 500,
    "name": "Internal Error",
    "description": "An error inside the HTTP server which prevented it from fulfilling the request."
    "message": "JavaException: org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow.WorkflowException: 00220033 Failed to start workflow activiti$resetPassword:3:403.",
    "exception": "",
    "callstack": [],
    "server": "Community v5.2.0 (re21f2be5-b22) schema 10,057",
    "time": "Jan 22, 2018 3:46:40 PM"
